Posted in Devotionals

In His Vineyard (Isaiah 5:7)

For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts
    is the house of Israel,
and the men of Judah
    are his pleasant planting;

vigilance vineyard postlet

My mom has a green thumb. That is the reason why we have plenty of plants in our backyard-flowering or fruit bearing,. She takes care of them like her real children. She remove weeds, make sure that they are watered and not dehydrated, sees to it that the pot is appropriate for the plants’ size and she always checks if they receive enough sunlight. How frustrated is she when one of her dearest dies because of too much water or when she forgets to moisture them.

On the verse above we were compared to God’s pleasant planting. When we say pleasant, the plant should be productive, bears fruit or blooms and gives great satisfaction to the Lord of the vineyard. If we will assess ourselves, are we a pleasant planting or are we the destructive weeds?

God had created us with a purpose. We were not conceived to become a display. We were born to make a difference. Just like a plant which bears fruit, we should be active in sharing God’s words. We who had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, our testimony and gospel sharing signifies our spiritual fruits including those whom we had invited to attend church services who are not yet believers or who were backsliders. We should become good role models for the next generation. We should not just follow what’s in the fad, instead, seek God’s kingdom to know which way we should go. We should aim to do righteous things until our last breathe.

Do not wither pleasant plant. Do not let the fire of desire to worship and praise God cease blazing. For all the good things we do for God’s glory still aint enough to equal what He has done for us. Strive to please God, strive to grow as his pleasant planting.